Tuesday, December 11, 2018

How to build a better bottom. Tips from the “Booty Doctor”

Glutes! It’s all about the glutes. Everyone wants to have a round, firm buttocks. There are many exercises out there to help you accomplish this goal. A friend of mine and I were discussing the techniques for firming and toning the buttocks. She asked me for some exercises she could do to sculpt her derriere.

I gave my friend 3 exercises to try. 2 months later she told me her mother asked her if she had gotten a Brazilian butt-lift (Whatever that is). This is when I was given the nickname, “The Booty Doctor”.

I want to share with you the 3 simple exercises I gave my friend, so that you too can create the bottom you seek. These are the exercises which earned me my oh-so-distinguished moniker. They are simple to learn and easy to incorporate into any training schedule. All you will need is a pair of dumbbells and a bench, (or a step) and the desire to turn your back porch into a work of art.

Exercise # 1. Straight-Leg Deadlift

I start with this one for safety reasons. This exercise is simple, but requires strict attention to form. I recommend doing this one before you begin to get fatigued. This exercise really targets the glutes and the hamstrings (Back of upper leg).

To execute this simple exercise, simply pick up the dumbbells and hold them at your sides. Your feet should be a little less than shoulder width apart. Now, keeping your head up and your legs straight (DO NOT lock your knees!) bend at the waist until the weights nearly touch the floor.

Keep a good arch in your back throughout the motion. Push your chest and butt out at the same time. This will help you keep your back arched (not bent) for safety.

Exercise #2. Deadlift

This is a great exercise for targeting your glutes and quadriceps (Thighs). You will find this exercise easier to do (technically) but also challenging, because you can use heavier weights. The heavier weights will add more butt-sculpting muscle to your increasingly firmer rear. This exercise also burns the most calories because it is so demanding.

Once again, your feet will be a little less than shoulder width apart. Simply bend down (always keep your head up and your back arched) and pick the dumbbells up off the floor. Stand up with the dumbbells at your sides.

Now, bend at the knees and waist, lowering the dumbbells (which are still at your sides) until they are nearly on the floor. (Lower your buttocks, like you are sitting in a chair.) Your thighs should be parallel to the floor at this point.  Stand up. That’s it!

Remember to always keep your head up and a good arch in your back. This will protect your back and keep the pressure where it belongs, on your glutes!

Exercise #3. Step-Ups

Here is another simple exercise, but this one is deceivingly challenging. Grab a pair of light dumbbells and stand in front of a bench or step (12 to 18 inches high). Holding the dumbbells at your sides, step, with your right foot, onto the bench. Use your right leg to pull yourself up until you are standing, with both feet, on the bench. Step back down to the floor, right foot first.

Do this for ten repetitions then, without stopping, do ten repetitions starting with your left foot. That is one set. You will be out of breath. This one is good for cardio as well.

Deploy this gluteus assault

Do three sets of ten repetitions of each of these exercises twice per week and you will begin to create the firm, round bottom that everyone will envy. Once you get used to this workout, it will become enjoyable. As with any workout, don’t allow yourself to become stagnant. Keep increasing the weight you are using. If the exercise is not challenging, it is not effective.

Give this plan your best effort, and within two months, you should be making real progress! Now go get those killer glutes!

"Click to Get Fit!"

1 comment:

  1. Hey all. I create these posts to help you reach you fitness goals. Let me know what matters to you. I will do my best to answer your questions. I'm here for you.


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