Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Yes, You CAN Love the Gym!

Look at the image above. What does it make you feel? Some of you look at this image and think “Ugh . . . I have to get to the gym today.” You have negative feelings. Some others look at this image and think the way I do. “AWESOME!!! Nobody in my way! I’m staying all day!!!” I want all of you to feel that positively about the gym. I know you can get there!

Many of you want to get into better shape. I understand this desire. Many of you are trying to get to the gym on a regular basis, but find it difficult. I’ve sure been there. You want to work out. You want to look better and feel better. You know that you need to get to the gym and get to work, but for some reason, you just can’t seem to be consistent. I have been there as well. You can fix this.

Why you currently hate the gym

In order to solve the problem, you must first understand the problem. The reality is simple, you hate going to the gym. You hate it because it’s hard. You hate it because you see the gym as a place where you go to suffer through tortuous work, only to make what seems to be infinitesimal progress. You feel like you are trying to empty the ocean with a teacup. Once again, I understand.

Your goals seem so far away. You go to the gym, thinking about how hard it will be, and how far you have to go, and the work seems oppressively difficult. Your focus is always on the inconvenience, the effort and how impossibly long this journey will be. In addition, you never stop measuring your progress, or the lack thereof. These are the reasons you hate the gym. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Create a new approach to workouts

When something fails to work, over and over again, it might be a good idea to try something different. This works in life, and it works in the gym. A quick note here, the gym is a wonderful microcosm of life. All of human behavior is played out right in front of your eyes at the gym. You’ll see commitment, excuses, failures and successes, all right there. Keep an eye out. You’ll see what I mean.

I bring this up because you will notice that the way people approach, and talk about training, will be evident in their success in their fitness efforts. Excuse makers and those who are more interested in texting, will have less success in creating the physique they are hoping for. Others will be committed and methodical. They will make consistent progress and ultimately reach their goals . . .and maintain the results.

A new approach is needed. If you want to succeed, you will need to look at what you are doing in a new way. If you can make two fundamental changes, you will learn to enjoy this process and you will reach your goals. Are you ready to try these simple changes?

Two simple changes

The first change you MUST make may be simple, but it may not be so easy. Here is where the excuses come into play. You see, what you must do, is change from using the gym as a mere means-to-an-end, and make it a part of your lifestyle. I mention this often in my blogs, videos and book. I do so because it is so important. This is where people say, “I don’t have time. I’m too busy. My life is hectic. I have a life . . .” Well, either you want it, or you don’t. You decide. If you want it, read on.

If you think of exercise as a means-to-an-end, then you'll never stop thinking about how far you have yet to go. If, on the other hand, you treat this process as a lifestyle, then you will simply make going to the gym a part of your work day. It will become simply, what you do each day. You will stop looking at the end goal, and you will begin to focus on getting in a good workout each day.

The second thing you need to do, will be to create a Habit of working out. This is how you will make this new lifestyle work.  Habits, both good and bad, are hard to break. Once you create a habit of going to the gym, you will no longer be going because you “have to”, but rather because you are “compelled” to go. You will, “Have to” go to the gym, but only because you hate NOT going! I know this from experience.

Here’s is how you create the Habit of going to the gym. I did this. I can’t believe how easy this was! I decided to force myself to go to the gym for 1 hour each day, after work. I would go at the same time each day. I would go directly from work without going home. I would stay at the gym for 1 hour. I insisted that I would do this for two weeks, no matter what. This took self-discipline.

After the two weeks were up, I no longer needed self-discipline. I had created a new Habit. From this point forward, the Habit pulled me through. I didn’t miss another day for 11 years! In my early 40’s I was in the best shape of my life! It was easy. I just kept moving forward with my new lifestyle.

You’ll get hooked on working out . . . “I swear!”

You will absolutely get hooked! How do I know? Because I got hooked. Then I started training people and they got hooked! As you begin to see the results, you will get more and more into it. I went from my 1 hour per day to 2 hours per day, Monday through Friday. I also added 1 to 2 hours each Saturday and another hour on most Sundays. Sundays were supposed to be for rest, but I couldn’t help myself! I was hooked!!

Training methods that don’t suck

I see many people working out and hating it. I see trainers making their clients do the kind of training I don’t want to do. Worse yet, I know these methods are not very effective.

Keep coming back to this blog. I will add training methods which will make your workouts more effective and more enjoyable.

Soon, the Gym will be YOUR happy Place!
Click the image to begin your journey!

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