Friday, March 27, 2020

Breast Reduction and Back Pain

Reducing back pain without surgery may be less complicated than you think. It is possible, for many women, to solve this problem with exercise.

Typically, women who feel that their back pain is due to the weight they carry up front, look to lessen that weight. This is done with breast-reduction surgery. This often does create that relief. However, in this instance, the relief may be possible without any surgery at all.

If your back hurts from bearing too much weight, rather than lessen the weight, you may first want to try strengthening your back. A stronger back, will be better prepared to carry your natural weight.

I trained a woman a number years ago who was in this situation. She was planning the surgery for a few months from the day we met. I asked her if she could hold off on the surgery. I asked her if she would give some weight-training exercises a chance to alleviate the pain. She wanted to avoid surgery, so she agreed. After only a month of training, her pain was gone.

The exercises she was doing were, leg exercises. Some of these exercises work the core and the back very well. Her back became stronger and the pain subsided, permanently. She was very happy. I saw her a few years later and she was still pain free.

Before I share these exercises, I want to remind you, everyone's circumstances are different. You may need the surgery. Make sure you check with your doctor first. Your health and safety are most important.

(Never enter into ANY exercise program without first clearing the program with you physician - for your safety.)

These exercises, done properly (Have a qualified trainer teach you) can greatly strengthen your back and reduce pain.

1. Squats with free-weights
2. Leg-press on sled
3. Dead lifts
4. Straight (stiff) legged dead lifts

These exercises done properly, and with increasing weight, will create the strength you are looking for.

To learn all of the proper training techniques and strategies for fitness and weight-loss, click the image below:
Everything you
Need to Know

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