If your diet isn't working, YOU are NOT to blame. Your diet has failed YOU!
I am determined to FIX this problem. YOU deserve that much. Let's start from the beginning.
The reason I say that your diet has failed you (if it hasn't worked) is that diets are set up poorly. Even if you have found a safe and healthy diet, if the process is implemented improperly, failure is very likely.
I know you have seen many diets fail. But, why? How are they poorly implemented?
There are two BIG problems at work here.
The first problem is, that much of this is due to how diets are perceived and used.
Diets have been used as tools. They have been used (as a tool) to do a job. Use the tool until the job is done, then put the tool away.
Well, that's a terrible idea.
The second problem is that most people want fast results, and so they try to do too much, too soon.
This is the biggest diet killer of all. Here's why:

This person begins thinking that a change would be good. They decide that they want to look and feel healthier and more energetic. They miss doing the things they used to enjoy when they were younger.
"Yes!" they declare. "It's time, and I'm ready!"
While this is good, their next steps are usually ill-advised.
Even if they choose a safe and healthy diet and a new exercise plan, they will most likely make the BIG mistake.
They will attempt to go from their thirty-year, unhealthy lifestyle, to the lifestyle of an Olympic champion.
They believe they will cut out every food they enjoy, and limit portions to those acceptable to bunny rabbits.
Then, they believe they will now train like a Marine in boot camp.
No. Just, no.
Both plans lead to failure. This is too much of a change, and it is happening too fast. It will be overwhelming and it will lead to failure, and lowered self-esteem.
BUT, there is a better way!
If you decide you want to make a change in your nutrition and exercise habits, try this instead.
First, see your doctor and tell him/her what you want to do. Do some research first. Ask your doctor if what you want to do is safe. Then, you may begin . . . in a NEW way.
New way:
For nutrition, rather than immediately eliminating all of the foods you love, begin by adding the foods you know you should be eating.
While this seems counterintuitive, as you keep adding healthy foods to your diet, you will be slowly moving unhealthy foods out.
Begin to slowly decrease the portion size of your meals. This will be a far easier adjustment. It will be maintainable.
With regard to exercise, use the same method. Begin slowly. Add a little at a time and become consistent.
Lastly, I want to give you the best advice possible:
DO NOT treat this process as a means to an end. Make this a true lifestyle change.
If you can do this, you will be amazed at, not only, what you can accomplish, but how easy it can be. You may also find that you love your new lifestyle. It can lead to a lot of fun and joy in your life.
Give it a try. What have you got to lose?
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