Wednesday, January 2, 2019

We All Have the Bodies We Have Chosen

OK. Take a moment to swear and call me names. Got that out of your system? Let me explain. The reason I say that, “We all have the bodies we have chosen”, is simply because, well, it’s true. (One more swear break). I will now make my case.

The choices you make, make a difference

What you do on a consistent basis, will determine the course of your life. In the world of fitness, you control your body, your physique, and for the most-part, your overall health. Now, before we go further, I understand that there are genetic factors, and unavoidable illnesses and injuries which occur. I am addressing the majority of the population who have no serious medical or genetic issues. (No. Being “big-boned” does not qualify. Stop it!)

Your choices are powerful. When I speak to audiences about achieving lofty goals, I always tell them, “Achieving something great does not require you to do great things. Achieving something great is about doing the little things, day-in and day-out, every day, over an extended period of time.

You see, you choose to eat healthy foods each day and avoid the unhealthy foods, or you do not. You choose to exercise each day, or you choose to come home from work and sit on the sofa watching T.V. while eating a bag of fried snacks. You choose to stay active and take responsibility for your fitness, or you choose to make excuses. (As always, “Excuses are nothing more than lies we tell ourselves to give ourselves permission to quit.” I will repeat this until you say it in your sleep!)

All of the choices mentioned above, are what will determine the condition of your body. You know that Arnold Schwarzenegger wasn’t born looking like his Mr. Olympia self, right? He made choices. He made a commitment, and he decided he was going to be a champion. He did it. It took him years, but he achieved his goals. He trained 5-hours a day while going to college and working full-time in construction. (In case you wanted to say, “Well, I don’t have time to workout all day”.) No excuses.

If you want it, you’ll find a way

There is a saying, “If you want it, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse.” I love that! It is one of the most accurate things I have ever heard. This makes me think of how we are as children. If you tell a five-year-old to put his toys away and clean his room, he’ll give you a long list of reasons why “I can’t.”

(I said “his” in this story because, well, OK, I meant me.) Anyway, five-year-olds can’t seem to find the capacity to clean their rooms, but try to prevent them from getting to the cookies. Good luck. You think Ocean’s Eleven had skills? I firmly believe that if you wanted to break into Fort Knox, all you’d have to do is tell a five-year-old that there were cookies in there. 10 minutes, tops.

If you want six-pack abs bad enough, you’ll get them. Wishing won’t help. Consistent effort and commitment will. All you need to do is make a commitment. If you DECIDE to create the physique you want, and then make wise choices every day, you can accomplish just about anything.

Sure, there may be much to learn. Maybe you have some injuries or even genetics working against you, so what? I see so many people use these things as an excuse to quit. However, I see just as many people overcome their limitations to surpass even the most genetically gifted people I’ve ever seen.

What choice will you make?

So. Here you are. You have a choice to make. Will you choose to step-up? Will you choose to be uncommon amongst your peers? Will you choose to make a commitment? Will you choose to achieve your goals? Will you choose to live a better, healthier, fuller life? Will you set an example for others to follow? Or, will you order another pizza, sit down and wait for another season of Lost Zombies Dancing on the Thrones of . . . or whatever?

The choice, is yours. It always has been.

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