Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Greatest Gym Secret EVER Revealed!

I will now tell you the absolute, fastest way to get abs. I am GIVING you, the greatest gym secret ever! It's FREE!!! PLEASE take this FREE gift! Everyone I have taught this to, has had the same experience . . . SUCCESS!!!

Let me break this down for you. This will all make perfect sense, I swear. Before I begin, you first need to know one important fact, WE ALL HAVE GREAT ABS! Huh? Yes. This is true. We all have abs, but for many of us, our abs are covered by excess body-fat. So, if you want great abs, first remove the fat.

The second fact you need to know is, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SPOT REDUCTION!!! In other words, to remove fat from your abs, you don’t train your abs. Those commercials you see, where they are hawking some piece of equipment that “targets the tummy”, are worthless. They may exercise your abs, but they are rarely going to be much help in removing body-fat.

How do you remove body-fat? You need to burn off more calories than you take in. That’s it. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong. It is very, very, simple, if you continue to burn off more calories than you take in, your body will no longer store fat, but it will instead burn the fat for energy. What does all of his mean? What is this big secret? I will now explain.

If you want to see your abs, you need to burn off all of the body-fat which covers them. You want to eat fewer calories, so you don’t replace the fat you burn off. You will accomplish this with greater speed and success, if you learn the absolute best way to burn the most calories in the shortest amount of time. Hence, the secret.

Here is the secret to burning the most calories in the shortest time (most efficiently). You train your largest muscles, and you train them hard. Why train them hard? Because the harder you train these muscles (using heavier weight) the more deeply you hit the muscles. In other words, you will incorporate the most muscle fibers in this way.

Here’s the simplest way to look at it, the more weight you move in a workout, the more calories you burn. The more calories you burn, the more fat you lose. The sooner you rid your body of the fat, the sooner you will see those beautiful abs!

What muscles do you need to train?

Here’s the secret: Train Your Leg Muscles with heavy weight! 

These are your biggest and strongest muscles. They will burn the most calories if you work them effectively. Train your legs, heavy, twice per week, and you will burn calories at a rate you NEVER thought possible.


The first time I did this, my legs got SMALLER!!! Why? Because I burned off all of the calories I was eating. I burned off all of the fat on my body, and I began burning off muscle as well!

If you want to learn how to use this secret more effectively, check out my book. (See link below) Guys, this is for you too! These are the techniques I used. I wrote this with women in mind because, the men buy into my methods right away, but women have more questions. I answer all of those questions in this book.

Just click on the image of the book and you’ll see what I mean.
If you read my book or not, share this secret with everyone you can. It really works! I will keep sharing until everyone knows. It’s too good to keep to myself!
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