Wednesday, January 22, 2020

All About the Base: Training – Secret #2 FREE Fitness in 2020!!!

It’s the LEGS! The LEGS I Tell Ya!!!

I will now share with you the single greatest fitness secret I have ever found . . . EVER!

Years ago, as I was going about my normal workout routine, I realized that my midsection was not so great. I was a bit, to be kind - doughy in the middle. OK. I was 11 pounds overweight! There! I said it!

Anyway, I was a little over three weeks away form a vacation. I was going to Jamaica! But I was NOT going to go to any beach without a six-pack! I had little time, but I had an interesting idea. It seemed logical to me but, would it really work? I had to try.

After nearly three weeks went by, I was getting ready for my trip. I was walking through the gym and a female trainer/body-builder stopped me.

She said, “You look great!”
“Thanks”, I replied.
“No.” She said, “You look amazing! You got super-lean almost instantly. What did you do, just a bunch of cardio?”
“No.” I said. “I didn’t do one second of cardio.”
“What did you do?”

I explained how my simple plan worked. And now, I will share it with you.

As far as dieting goes, all I did was, I stopped eating fast-food from Monday, through Friday. I still cheated on the weekends. Then, I told her about the simple training change I made. I thought it would work. It did! I lost the 11 pounds in less than three weeks!

What was the simple change? It’s so simple, it’s hard to believe, but it makes perfect sense. All I did was, I trained legs twice a week instead of once. That’s it! That’s all it took!

Here's why it worked. You burn calories when you work your muscles. The harder you work your muscles, the more calories you burn. The more weight you move, the more energy (calories) it takes to move the weight.

Your largest muscles, which move the most weight, which burns the most calories, are in your legs! Simple.

Now, please understand, these were REAL leg-days. Ask anyone who trains, what that means. It ain’t no picnic. Real leg workouts are at least an hour long, and they usually end with nausea, possible shakes and headaches. These workouts ARE NOT FOR BEGINNERS!!!

You need to work your way up to these workouts. I will share the types of exercises you need to do for a real leg-day, in time. However, for right now, just focus on learning all the basic exercises.

Create a habit of going to the gym every day, Monday through Friday, and begin to add weight to all exercises. You want to learn good technique for safety and you want to get strong. This will be beneficial in the future!

By the way, in case you were thinking that the twice-a-week, heavy-leg-day is not for everyone, I can tell you it is. I used this technique, as did my younger sister and numerous other men and women of all ages, even women with teen-aged kids.

That’s why I wrote the book, shared at the bottom of this blog!

Included with each post, I will include a link to my book, should you wish to read more detail.

Don't let the title fool you. This is for anyone. Women have simply asked more questions in the past. I wanted to answer those questions as completely as possible.
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