The Greatest Diet Trick EVER!!!
Continued: Wade's 90-day' Fitness Challenge.
(Post #12: 1/21/2020)
Click image for Video #2
CHALLENGE BEGAN (For Me) 1/13/2020
This diet trick is so good, and so simple, that it would be
immoral for me not to share it. I have found a way to eat all of my favorite
foods, while getting leaner by the day, and I have even found the “safest” way
to cheat!
I have already told you that my nutritional plan allows two “cheats”
per week. This is so that you do not have to deny yourself, the foods you
enjoy, forever. No one wants to do that, and that is what destroys the possibility
of success for most diets. That will not be a problem for us.
Let’s get into “denying” ourselves, for a moment. When we
decide to get into shape, we begin working out and eating better. This is a
good thing. When we make these changes, one thing is certain, we will face
challenges. One of the more difficult challenges we will face is, “cravings”.
Each of us will face our own, individual challenges here.
For some of us it’s sweets, for others it’s fried foods. Whatever your “poison”,
you will face these challenges. Knowing this, we need a plan going in. We need
to take measures to help us deal with these challenges.
The first step we should take is at the grocery store. As
stated, in an earlier post, if the bad foods are not present, we won’t be able to eat them.
Shop wisely. Remember my trick? Eat your cheat meal before shopping. You will
feel guilty and end up buying only healthy foods.
Next, if you have the craving for, and the access to, the
unhealthy choice, there are a few things you can do. First, never, I mean NEVER
eat the unhealthy food with an empty stomach. ALWAYS eat something healthy
first, then wait 20 minutes. If the craving hasn’t passed, THEN you can have
the “cheat-treat”.
What you are doing is giving yourself a chance to be satisfied
with the healthy choice first. If that doesn’t work, you have waited long
enough for your brain to tell your body you are not hungry. Now, if you choose
to eat the unhealthy treat, you will not devour so much.
The next thing you can do is, eat a small portion of the
unhealthy cheat, and drink water with it as you eat. This will further give
your body time to adjust to being full. Here’s an example I used:
One day, at work, I was craving pizza. I wanted it all day,
but I was eating healthy now. I didn’t want to cheat. This was not a cheat day.
I was good all day, but I was really tempted. Now, what many people do here is,
they order a pizza and pick it up on the way home. Bad idea.
When you get the pizza home, even if you only have a slice
or two, the pizza is still there. It will call to you in the night! I swear, it’s
like the song of the Sirens. I cannot resist dashing my ship of fitness dreams
upon the rocky shores of pizza island! (Wow. That was a bit much.)
In any case, you won’t throw the rest of the pizza away.
Here’s what I did. I ate a salad first, (had one at work) before leaving work.
Then, I drove to the pizza place on the way home. I ordered 1 slice and a soda.
Yes, just 1 slice. I wanted to give myself a chance to limit myself to 1 slice.
It worked!
Normally, if I were hungry and eating the pizza on an empty
stomach, I would eat 4 slices! That’s half a pizza! Now, if the 1st
slice was still not enough, I would then order a second slice. I have done that
as well, but it still cut my pizza intake in half!
You can use this trick with anything. Just never eat goodies
on an empty stomach, and always order the smallest portion possible. Take your
time. You will become very good at this, and your waistline will be the
Included with each post, I will include a link to my book, should you wish to read more detail.
Don't let the title fool you. This is for anyone. Women have simply asked more questions in the past. I wanted to answer those questions as completely as possible.
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