Thursday, January 9, 2020

Nutrition – Secret #1: FREE Fitness in 2020!!!

Size Matters
Continued: Wade's 90-day' Fitness Challenge.
(Post #6: 1/09/2020)
Click image for Video #1
CHALLENGE BEGINS (For me) Monday: 1/13/2020!

Yes, it’s true, if you want a better body, size matters. No, not the size of your body, or your muscles. That is a mater of taste. Some folks want to be muscular. Some want to be thin, or lean or, well, it’s up to you what physique you wish to create. You have the choice. No, what I want to discuss today has to do with your eating habits. Your eating habits (there it is again, “habit”) will determine your physique.

They say that it’s a good idea to walk away from the dinner table a little hungry. I agree. For our purposes here, we are engaging in a 90-day fitness challenge. In my case, I am attempting to lose 25-pounds of excess body-fat. I want to get back to my ideal weight. Better eating habits will help me do just that.

I have much to share on this topic. I always keep things simple. Today, I want to address an important eating skill. Huh? Eating skill? Well, that’s the best way I can describe this technique. What I like to do is “shrink” my stomach. Now, I DO want to make my “belly” smaller. But, what I am talking about here is actually shrinking my stomach.

You see, to lose weight (fat), we need to not only burn off calories but, take in fewer calories as well. Some call that “dieting”. I don’t like that word. It sends the wrong message. It infers that we are just engaging in a temporary activity to reach an end goal, as though we will then be finished. No. That is not the case.

What I will be doing, and so will those of you who decide to join me is, I will be creating a new lifestyle. This will be an easy-to-maintain and, an enjoyable lifestyle. This includes a quality training, and nutritional change. Don’t worry. You will like both. Now, back to the amazing, shrinking stomach.

In order to “shrink” your stomach, the “size” of your meals will have to shrink first. This is an easy and interesting task. Years ago, in college, I ate like, well, a college kid. I ate junk, and a lot of it! I would eat a cheese-steak (I live near Philadelphia. Google it.) with French-fries and a large soda. Then, I would ask my roommates if they wanted to order a pizza. I had stretched my stomach and I had a huge appetite.

After graduation (I weighed 180 lbs), I decided to get into boxing. I decided to box at welterweight (147 lbs), because I am only 5’ 7”. I lost 33 pounds in 2 ½ months. I did this all wrong. I trained like a maniac and I starved myself. I became skinny and weak. I was also very cranky. I no longer do that. However, I did learn something interesting.

I realized that my stomach had shrunk a great deal. Where I used to eat like a beast, in college, only six months earlier, I could now, not eat an entire turkey sandwich between 2 slices of bread. I was in pain after eating only ½ a sandwich.

Here’s what I learned. If you slowly, and consistently, decrease the size of your meals, you will find that your stomach, appetite and waistline will shrink too! You will begin to feel fuller more quickly. 

And remember, leave the dinner table feeling just a little hungry. It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to let your brain know it’s full. That’s why when you eat until you’re full, after the meal, you begin to feel “stuffed”. You have over-eaten.

Use this simple tip, and the many more that I share on this blog, and you will find that fitness success is not so difficult!

Included with each post, I will include a link to my book, should you wish to read more detail.

Don't let the title fool you. This is for anyone. Women have simply asked more questions in the past. I wanted to answer those questions as completely as possible.
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