Monday, January 13, 2020

Training – Day #1 in the Gym: FREE Fitness in 2020!!!

I’m a Real Boy Again!!!
Continued: Wade's 90-day' Fitness Challenge.
(Post #7: 1/13/2020)
Click image for Video #1
Monday: 1/13/2020!

Hooray!! I have returned to the gym and I feel reborn. Yes, I am a real boy once again! After completing the first workout of my 90 Day Fitness Challenge (Only 89 to go!) I feel amazing! I cannot believe how much I have missed this.

After completing a split workout, (1/2-hour leg workout ½ hour shoulder training) I walked out of the gym and headed to my car. Then sun was setting and there was that cool and relaxing twilight energy.

My body was shaking a bit. I ate limited calories throughout the day. My blood sugar was low. I drank an orange juice and felt fine. It was such a good feeling to walk out of the gym after a full workday and a good workout. I felt alive.

I am home now. I haven’t even eaten dinner, or showered and changed yet. It’s amazing the energy you get from working hard. It seems counter-intuitive, but it really is energizing. OK. Now, I want to share some things with you to help you get off to a good start with your fitness goals.

Remember, we are creating a new, and formidable, habit. All you should be doing (as I am) is using these first two weeks to create that habit. Your only concern, for the first two weeks, is going to the gym, every weekday, Monday – Friday, and working out for 1 hour each day. That’s it! Nothing else matters.

Don’t worry about how week and out of shape you are. I just had a rude awakening! I think the weights have gotten heavier since I was there last. I complained to the front desk about it. I think iron is too heavy. I suggested making the weights out of wood, or something lighter. Man . . . I got old fast!

Alright, no more B.S. Here’s the scoop. At first you will feel weak and possibly pathetic. Don’t worry about it. It doesn’t matter how far you need to go. You’re going! Just start, and be wise. Create the habit of going to the gym. At the same time, begin increasing your healthy food intake. Remember, we will add good food first, then begin removing the bad foods.

One more thing. The muscles I trained today (Monday) will be sore tomorrow. However, they won’t hurt as bad tomorrow, as they will on Wednesday! That’s a sneaky trick that the body plays on first timers and those who have gotten out of shape.

Don’t worry. It won’t be long before you are trying to get that day-after soreness back. I’m serious. People always worry, once they get past the pain, if the training is still working. Yeas. It is!

I can’t wait for tomorrow!

Included with each post, I will include a link to my book, should you wish to read more detail.

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