Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Training – How, What, Where?: FREE Fitness in 2020!!!

Part 1 How to Begin
Continued: Wade's 90-day' Fitness Challenge.
(Post #4: 1/07/2020)
Click image for video #1
CHALLENGE BEGINS (For me) Monday: 1/13/2020!

To succeed in your fitness efforts, you will need to train properly. There are many options out there and you may have your favorites. I know I have mine. I know a sure-fire way to succeed in training to create a fit, toned physique. I will share with you, my methods.

For today, the first thing we need to do is, create the “habit”. (There’s that word again!) Consistency is key. I think you will find that to be true, in all areas of life. For our purposes here, today, this will be our number 1 concern. You see, most people quit pursuing their fitness goals because they never get into a positive rhythm. Let’s not make that mistake.

How do we create consistency? How can we make training a habit? It’s simple, really. Now, I DID say “simple” not easy! That is true for all of this. What needs to be done, really is, simple. Eat better and train hard. There you go! Simple! OK. Let’s make things a bit “easier”.

Years ago, when I was out of shape (like now) I decided to get back into the gym. I signed up, bought workout clothes, a gym bag, a lock for the locker and shoes. I was ready!

I was planning on working out every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, for one hour each day. What happened? I missed more days than I trained. I never got into a rhythm. I never created a “habit” of training. I had to change.

I had an idea. As it turns out, this was the single best idea I ever had. (Maybe not saying much here.) Anyway, I created a plan. I conducted an experiment. I decided to train every day, Monday through Friday, for one hour per day. I also decided to go directly from work, to the gym. I didn’t go home after work. Too often I was distracted and never went to the gym.

I decided I was going to do this for 2 weeks. That’s all I was going to force myself to do, for this experiment. No excuses. If I was sick, or hurt, it didn’t matter. I was going to go to the gym and stay there for one hour each day. The result?

I didn’t miss a workout for 11 years! I got into the best shape of my life, and it was effortless! I’m not kidding! I pushed hard for the first two weeks, and this created the “habit”. After that, working out became automatic. Then, I couldn’t stand the thought of missing a day! I loved it!

I began training 2 hours per day. I found out that if I stayed that long, I hit far less traffic coming home. (#awesome!) I began coming in on Saturday mornings and even some Sundays, if I was bored. I had effectively altered my lifestyle. I did so on purpose, and for the better.

You may be wondering, “Why then did I stop?” Well, I got laid-off from my job. I allowed my circumstances to dictate my behavior. Since then I have had several job changes, before starting to write. I had a few surgeries to repair some football related injuries which I let go for too long.

In short, I let life take control. I didn’t like that. Now, I’m taking back control! I hope you will join me! We are going to have some fun and get into great shape! You can take charge of your life as soon as you choose to! So,


Included with each post, I will include a link to my book, should you wish to read more detail.

Don't let the title fool you. This is for anyone. Women have simply asked more questions in the past. I wanted to answer those questions as completely as possible.
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