Friday, January 17, 2020

One Week at the Gym is IN THE BOOKS!!! FREE Fitness in 2020!!!

Once begun, it’s half done!
Continued: Wade's 90-day' Fitness Challenge.
(Post #10: 1/17/2020)
Click image for Video #2 

CHALLENGE BEGAN (For Me) 1/13/2020

For those of you who started this 90 Day Fitness Challenge, on day one, CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed the first week! (You better have!) If you have been following me and working right along with these posts, and videos, you should have completed your first 5 workouts. That is awesome!

Listen, the hardest part of this challenge is getting started. That means, things are about to begin to get easier. This happens a little at a time, but IT DOES HAPPEN! Like I shared from the beginning, these first two weeks are extremely important.

All you need to do is workout each weekday, Monday - Friday, for one hour per day (any workout is fine) for two weeks straight, and you are well on your way to creating the all-important “Habit” of training. Once this habit is formed, you will be able to upgrade, and target, your workouts and nutritional plan.

Now that the first week is completed, the second week will be easier (a little anyway). We can begin to think about getting organized with our training. The best way to begin, is to keep it simple. Don’t get fancy. You want to do basic exercises. Hit each body part with one basic exercise. Warm up with very light weight, then do 4 or 5 “training” sets. These are the sets after the warm-up set.

You will want to double-up and train multiple body parts each day. In the beginning, you will need to do this because, none of your body parts will have the endurance to handle a full, one-hour workout. Later, you may want to focus on one body part at a time. Or, if you are ambitious enough, you may want to lengthen your workouts to hit two body parts fully. (That’s my goal!)

(Personal note: Leg-day is the most important (and usually hated) day of the week. That is why I do my leg workout on Monday. Why? Because I want to get it out of the way! Plus, Leg workouts burn the most calories! I do this on Monday because no matter what, “THERE IS NO VALID REASON TO MISS A LEG WORKOUT!!!”)

That means, if you miss your Monday workout (How dare you!) then Tuesday is leg-day. Got it???

Here are some good starters:

Monday: Legs
Seated leg extensions

Seated, or lying – hamstring curls

Calves: (Calves should be done in both “straight-legged” and “bent-knee” versions
Straight-leg calf-raises can be done standing, or seated on leg-press machine.
Bent-knee calf-raises will be done seated, with weight on knees.

Tuesday: Chest and Arms:
Incline dumbbell presses
Flat bench dumbbell presses

Biceps – alternating dumbbell curls.
Triceps – Cable push-downs

Wednesday: Back and shoulders
Cable pull-downs

Seated Dumbbell Presses (Overhead)
Lateral raises (With dumbbells) done with elbows bent
One-arm dumbbell rows. (I call these “lawnmower starters”)

Thursday: Repeat Monday’s leg workout.

Train a little of each of your upper-body muscle groups. Focus on chest and back first. These are larger, primary muscles. They are larger and burn more calories. Plus, these are good strength-building exercises.

These workouts should do you some good. They will help you develop a good routine. You can learn good techniques as you build strength, confidence and momentum.

We are taking our time, and doing this correctly, THIS TIME!

(If you need detailed instruction on what the exercises listed above are, or on how to do them properly, the trainer at your gym should be able to help you. Also, all of this can be found in my book (listed at the bottom of this blog), if you are interested.)

You are doing great!

Included with each post, I will include a link to my book, should you wish to read more detail.

Don't let the title fool you. This is for anyone. Women have simply asked more questions in the past. I wanted to answer those questions as completely as possible.
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