Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Greatest Gym Secret EVER Revealed!

I will now tell you the absolute, fastest way to get abs. I am GIVING you, the greatest gym secret ever! It's FREE!!! PLEASE take this FREE gift! Everyone I have taught this to, has had the same experience . . . SUCCESS!!!

Let me break this down for you. This will all make perfect sense, I swear. Before I begin, you first need to know one important fact, WE ALL HAVE GREAT ABS! Huh? Yes. This is true. We all have abs, but for many of us, our abs are covered by excess body-fat. So, if you want great abs, first remove the fat.

The second fact you need to know is, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SPOT REDUCTION!!! In other words, to remove fat from your abs, you don’t train your abs. Those commercials you see, where they are hawking some piece of equipment that “targets the tummy”, are worthless. They may exercise your abs, but they are rarely going to be much help in removing body-fat.

How do you remove body-fat? You need to burn off more calories than you take in. That’s it. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong. It is very, very, simple, if you continue to burn off more calories than you take in, your body will no longer store fat, but it will instead burn the fat for energy. What does all of his mean? What is this big secret? I will now explain.

If you want to see your abs, you need to burn off all of the body-fat which covers them. You want to eat fewer calories, so you don’t replace the fat you burn off. You will accomplish this with greater speed and success, if you learn the absolute best way to burn the most calories in the shortest amount of time. Hence, the secret.

Here is the secret to burning the most calories in the shortest time (most efficiently). You train your largest muscles, and you train them hard. Why train them hard? Because the harder you train these muscles (using heavier weight) the more deeply you hit the muscles. In other words, you will incorporate the most muscle fibers in this way.

Here’s the simplest way to look at it, the more weight you move in a workout, the more calories you burn. The more calories you burn, the more fat you lose. The sooner you rid your body of the fat, the sooner you will see those beautiful abs!

What muscles do you need to train?

Here’s the secret: Train Your Leg Muscles with heavy weight! 

These are your biggest and strongest muscles. They will burn the most calories if you work them effectively. Train your legs, heavy, twice per week, and you will burn calories at a rate you NEVER thought possible.


The first time I did this, my legs got SMALLER!!! Why? Because I burned off all of the calories I was eating. I burned off all of the fat on my body, and I began burning off muscle as well!

If you want to learn how to use this secret more effectively, check out my book. (See link below) Guys, this is for you too! These are the techniques I used. I wrote this with women in mind because, the men buy into my methods right away, but women have more questions. I answer all of those questions in this book.

Just click on the image of the book and you’ll see what I mean.
If you read my book or not, share this secret with everyone you can. It really works! I will keep sharing until everyone knows. It’s too good to keep to myself!
For secret -
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Wednesday, January 22, 2020

All About the Base: Training – Secret #2 FREE Fitness in 2020!!!

It’s the LEGS! The LEGS I Tell Ya!!!

I will now share with you the single greatest fitness secret I have ever found . . . EVER!

Years ago, as I was going about my normal workout routine, I realized that my midsection was not so great. I was a bit, to be kind - doughy in the middle. OK. I was 11 pounds overweight! There! I said it!

Anyway, I was a little over three weeks away form a vacation. I was going to Jamaica! But I was NOT going to go to any beach without a six-pack! I had little time, but I had an interesting idea. It seemed logical to me but, would it really work? I had to try.

After nearly three weeks went by, I was getting ready for my trip. I was walking through the gym and a female trainer/body-builder stopped me.

She said, “You look great!”
“Thanks”, I replied.
“No.” She said, “You look amazing! You got super-lean almost instantly. What did you do, just a bunch of cardio?”
“No.” I said. “I didn’t do one second of cardio.”
“What did you do?”

I explained how my simple plan worked. And now, I will share it with you.

As far as dieting goes, all I did was, I stopped eating fast-food from Monday, through Friday. I still cheated on the weekends. Then, I told her about the simple training change I made. I thought it would work. It did! I lost the 11 pounds in less than three weeks!

What was the simple change? It’s so simple, it’s hard to believe, but it makes perfect sense. All I did was, I trained legs twice a week instead of once. That’s it! That’s all it took!

Here's why it worked. You burn calories when you work your muscles. The harder you work your muscles, the more calories you burn. The more weight you move, the more energy (calories) it takes to move the weight.

Your largest muscles, which move the most weight, which burns the most calories, are in your legs! Simple.

Now, please understand, these were REAL leg-days. Ask anyone who trains, what that means. It ain’t no picnic. Real leg workouts are at least an hour long, and they usually end with nausea, possible shakes and headaches. These workouts ARE NOT FOR BEGINNERS!!!

You need to work your way up to these workouts. I will share the types of exercises you need to do for a real leg-day, in time. However, for right now, just focus on learning all the basic exercises.

Create a habit of going to the gym every day, Monday through Friday, and begin to add weight to all exercises. You want to learn good technique for safety and you want to get strong. This will be beneficial in the future!

By the way, in case you were thinking that the twice-a-week, heavy-leg-day is not for everyone, I can tell you it is. I used this technique, as did my younger sister and numerous other men and women of all ages, even women with teen-aged kids.

That’s why I wrote the book, shared at the bottom of this blog!

Included with each post, I will include a link to my book, should you wish to read more detail.

Don't let the title fool you. This is for anyone. Women have simply asked more questions in the past. I wanted to answer those questions as completely as possible.
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Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Nutrition – SUPER Secret #2: FREE Fitness in 2020!!!

The Greatest Diet Trick EVER!!!
Continued: Wade's 90-day' Fitness Challenge.
(Post #12: 1/21/2020)
Click image for Video #2

CHALLENGE BEGAN (For Me) 1/13/2020

This diet trick is so good, and so simple, that it would be immoral for me not to share it. I have found a way to eat all of my favorite foods, while getting leaner by the day, and I have even found the “safest” way to cheat!

I have already told you that my nutritional plan allows two “cheats” per week. This is so that you do not have to deny yourself, the foods you enjoy, forever. No one wants to do that, and that is what destroys the possibility of success for most diets. That will not be a problem for us.

Let’s get into “denying” ourselves, for a moment. When we decide to get into shape, we begin working out and eating better. This is a good thing. When we make these changes, one thing is certain, we will face challenges. One of the more difficult challenges we will face is, “cravings”.

Each of us will face our own, individual challenges here. For some of us it’s sweets, for others it’s fried foods. Whatever your “poison”, you will face these challenges. Knowing this, we need a plan going in. We need to take measures to help us deal with these challenges.

The first step we should take is at the grocery store. As stated, in an earlier post, if the bad foods are not present, we won’t be able to eat them. Shop wisely. Remember my trick? Eat your cheat meal before shopping. You will feel guilty and end up buying only healthy foods.

Next, if you have the craving for, and the access to, the unhealthy choice, there are a few things you can do. First, never, I mean NEVER eat the unhealthy food with an empty stomach. ALWAYS eat something healthy first, then wait 20 minutes. If the craving hasn’t passed, THEN you can have the “cheat-treat”.

What you are doing is giving yourself a chance to be satisfied with the healthy choice first. If that doesn’t work, you have waited long enough for your brain to tell your body you are not hungry. Now, if you choose to eat the unhealthy treat, you will not devour so much.

The next thing you can do is, eat a small portion of the unhealthy cheat, and drink water with it as you eat. This will further give your body time to adjust to being full. Here’s an example I used:

One day, at work, I was craving pizza. I wanted it all day, but I was eating healthy now. I didn’t want to cheat. This was not a cheat day. I was good all day, but I was really tempted. Now, what many people do here is, they order a pizza and pick it up on the way home. Bad idea.

When you get the pizza home, even if you only have a slice or two, the pizza is still there. It will call to you in the night! I swear, it’s like the song of the Sirens. I cannot resist dashing my ship of fitness dreams upon the rocky shores of pizza island! (Wow. That was a bit much.)

In any case, you won’t throw the rest of the pizza away. Here’s what I did. I ate a salad first, (had one at work) before leaving work. Then, I drove to the pizza place on the way home. I ordered 1 slice and a soda. Yes, just 1 slice. I wanted to give myself a chance to limit myself to 1 slice. It worked!

Normally, if I were hungry and eating the pizza on an empty stomach, I would eat 4 slices! That’s half a pizza! Now, if the 1st slice was still not enough, I would then order a second slice. I have done that as well, but it still cut my pizza intake in half!

You can use this trick with anything. Just never eat goodies on an empty stomach, and always order the smallest portion possible. Take your time. You will become very good at this, and your waistline will be the proof!

Included with each post, I will include a link to my book, should you wish to read more detail.

Don't let the title fool you. This is for anyone. Women have simply asked more questions in the past. I wanted to answer those questions as completely as possible.
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Monday, January 20, 2020

Fitness or Excuses, Choose : FREE Fitness in 2020!!!

If you want to achieve your fitness goals, the time for excuses is over, .
Continued: Wade's 90-day' Fitness Challenge.
(Post #11: 1/20/2020)
Click image for Video #2
CHALLENGE BEGAN (For Me) 1/13/2020

Someone recently asked me what I was up to. I told her about my fitness challenge. She seemed very interested about the challenge and began asking all sorts of questions.

(This is so much fun for me! I LOVE when I can get people excited about their fitness journey! I love being a sort-of, catalyst in the process. Even more enjoyable for me is, when I run into these people months later and they excitedly tell me about their newfound fitness success.)

During this conversation however, the questions took an all-too-familiar turn. The questions were more probing about me, and my journey. These were not questions designed to learn how the best results could be gained. No. I know THIS line of questioning.

These were more like the questions of a lawyer, building a case. This woman had NO interest in learning how to succeed. She was looking for an excuse as to why this process was possible for me, (easier) but impossible for her. In short, she wanted a way out. She wanted an excuse to avoid exerting effort and making sacrifices.

Most people do this, and it makes me sad. I feel a little bit sorry for them, but I realize that they DO have a choice. They could decide to do this, and then, go make it happen. The funny thing for me is, everyone who quits, or decides not to try to reach their fitness goals, has the same theory. They say the same thing:

“It’s not fair!”

My rebuttal may seem harsh but, “B.S!”

In all honesty, fitness is the single most fair thing I have ever encountered. It doesn’t require experience. It doesn’t require a certain degree. You don’t have to “know someone”. (Nepotism has no power here.) You don’t have to be rich, or join any group. In fact, some people just eat vegetables and run!

You only need ONE thing, to succeed: COMMITMENT - That’s it, and that’s all.

My mother taught me something simple, when I was a kid. “If you want it, you’ll make it happen.” (Mom is AWESOME!!!)

The woman above, like SO many others, tried to pull the "age thing", until she found out that I was 55 years-old. Then she tried the "injury thing", (See my first post for my list! Includes a hip replacement) Then she went for the "time thing", but I shared that I was working 7 days a week, writing this blog, creating accompanying videos, hitting the gym a minimum of 5 days a week and beginning to write my 8th book to be published in the past 2 years.)

Then, she seemed to think, she played the ultimate wildcard:
“Do you have kids?”

I told her I did not.

“AAAAHHH!!!” She said. “Well, there you go!”

OK. You win. You get to keep your current physique.
I did all I could do.

The reality is simple:

“If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.” —Jim Rohn

Anyway, I gotta run. I’m headed to the gym to meet two of my gym-friends. They will probably be working out with their two oldest sons. #Noexcuses

Included with each post, I will include a link to my book, should you wish to read more detail.

Don't let the title fool you. This is for anyone. Women have simply asked more questions in the past. I wanted to answer those questions as completely as possible.
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Available in Kindle and Paperback formats
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Friday, January 17, 2020

One Week at the Gym is IN THE BOOKS!!! FREE Fitness in 2020!!!

Once begun, it’s half done!
Continued: Wade's 90-day' Fitness Challenge.
(Post #10: 1/17/2020)
Click image for Video #2 

CHALLENGE BEGAN (For Me) 1/13/2020

For those of you who started this 90 Day Fitness Challenge, on day one, CONGRATULATIONS! You have completed the first week! (You better have!) If you have been following me and working right along with these posts, and videos, you should have completed your first 5 workouts. That is awesome!

Listen, the hardest part of this challenge is getting started. That means, things are about to begin to get easier. This happens a little at a time, but IT DOES HAPPEN! Like I shared from the beginning, these first two weeks are extremely important.

All you need to do is workout each weekday, Monday - Friday, for one hour per day (any workout is fine) for two weeks straight, and you are well on your way to creating the all-important “Habit” of training. Once this habit is formed, you will be able to upgrade, and target, your workouts and nutritional plan.

Now that the first week is completed, the second week will be easier (a little anyway). We can begin to think about getting organized with our training. The best way to begin, is to keep it simple. Don’t get fancy. You want to do basic exercises. Hit each body part with one basic exercise. Warm up with very light weight, then do 4 or 5 “training” sets. These are the sets after the warm-up set.

You will want to double-up and train multiple body parts each day. In the beginning, you will need to do this because, none of your body parts will have the endurance to handle a full, one-hour workout. Later, you may want to focus on one body part at a time. Or, if you are ambitious enough, you may want to lengthen your workouts to hit two body parts fully. (That’s my goal!)

(Personal note: Leg-day is the most important (and usually hated) day of the week. That is why I do my leg workout on Monday. Why? Because I want to get it out of the way! Plus, Leg workouts burn the most calories! I do this on Monday because no matter what, “THERE IS NO VALID REASON TO MISS A LEG WORKOUT!!!”)

That means, if you miss your Monday workout (How dare you!) then Tuesday is leg-day. Got it???

Here are some good starters:

Monday: Legs
Seated leg extensions

Seated, or lying – hamstring curls

Calves: (Calves should be done in both “straight-legged” and “bent-knee” versions
Straight-leg calf-raises can be done standing, or seated on leg-press machine.
Bent-knee calf-raises will be done seated, with weight on knees.

Tuesday: Chest and Arms:
Incline dumbbell presses
Flat bench dumbbell presses

Biceps – alternating dumbbell curls.
Triceps – Cable push-downs

Wednesday: Back and shoulders
Cable pull-downs

Seated Dumbbell Presses (Overhead)
Lateral raises (With dumbbells) done with elbows bent
One-arm dumbbell rows. (I call these “lawnmower starters”)

Thursday: Repeat Monday’s leg workout.

Train a little of each of your upper-body muscle groups. Focus on chest and back first. These are larger, primary muscles. They are larger and burn more calories. Plus, these are good strength-building exercises.

These workouts should do you some good. They will help you develop a good routine. You can learn good techniques as you build strength, confidence and momentum.

We are taking our time, and doing this correctly, THIS TIME!

(If you need detailed instruction on what the exercises listed above are, or on how to do them properly, the trainer at your gym should be able to help you. Also, all of this can be found in my book (listed at the bottom of this blog), if you are interested.)

You are doing great!

Included with each post, I will include a link to my book, should you wish to read more detail.

Don't let the title fool you. This is for anyone. Women have simply asked more questions in the past. I wanted to answer those questions as completely as possible.
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Available in Kindle and Paperback formats
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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Ow. Ow. Ow. Training Hurts!!! FREE Fitness in 2020!!!

I am TRULY a gym newbie, once again!
Continued: Wade's 90-day' Fitness Challenge.
(Post #9: 1/15/2020)
Click image for Video #1

CHALLENGE BEGAN (For Me) 1/13/2020

OH, the pain! Day 3 of my 90 Day Fitness Challenge was a tough one. Yea, I truly am a newbie at the gym. I am NO longer used to the rigors of training, and my body has reminded me of this fact. It’s been a long time since I hobbled INTO the gym!

I didn’t think I was going to make it from my car to the front door of the gym. Thank goodness, the guy in front of me held the door for me. I don’t think I could have pulled it open! My plan for the day was simple. Train for one hour. Train any muscles that didn’t hurt. LOL!!!

A friend who knew me from my earlier days in the gym, knew I had just restarted mt workouts. He asked me what I was working on today. I told him, “I’m training the muscles that are not hurting me. Right now, the only muscles that aren’t hurting me are yours! Can you do some back and shoulder exercises please?” He laughed and walked away. I wasn’t kidding! Ow. Ow. Ow.

Well, I made a commitment. I am doing this no matter what. So, I started. I walked, ow, ow, ow, that’s how it sounded, over to the cable pull-downs. Uh-oh. I have to reach up. I cannot believe how many, sore muscles, it takes to reach up to the bar!

I struggled through a few sets of pull-downs. It was hard at first, but as the workout continued, I began to feel better. I am still weak, and I have little energy. I cannot lift much weight right now, nor can I do many repetitions. But . . . I keep at it. I manage to train for a full hour each day.

Yes, it’s true that my workouts are a bit pathetic . . . for now. However, I KNOW this, from experience, most of the people in the gym today will not be there by the end of this 90 Day Fitness Challenge. I WILL be! And, when that 90 Days is up, my workouts will be superior!

I have done this in the past. I am doing this now. I hope you will join me and make this happen for you too. You CAN do this! You DO have time! You DO NOT have a valid excuse!

DECIDE to make this happen, and it WILL happen!

'Till tomorrow!

(where are the Epsom-salts and the Icy Hot?)

Included with each post, I will include a link to my book, should you wish to read more detail.

Don't let the title fool you. This is for anyone. Women have simply asked more questions in the past. I wanted to answer those questions as completely as possible.
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Available in Kindle and Paperback formats
More titles from this author

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Secret to ALL Success Revealed!!! FREE Fitness in 2020!!!

I can see!!!
Continued: Wade's 90-day' Fitness Challenge.
(Post #8: 1/14/2020)
Click image for Video #1
CHALLENGE BEGAN (For me) Monday: 1/13/2020!

If you want to succeed at anything, you need to hear this! Today was day 2 of my 90 Day Fitness Challenge. This was an awesome day! I realized two, very important things today.

First of all, I am really out of shape. I truly understand what so many of you are facing. I may have forgotten, but now I understand how hard, and sometimes hopeless, a fitness journey can be. (Don’t worry. I will cheer you up today!)

Secondly, I was hit with an amazing realization, my eyes were opened to a wonderful reality, one that was staring me in the face. I now understand success! I now see my professional journey in a brand new and spectacular light!

This post will appear in one of my other blogs, ( because of its relevance to these two topics.

I read books written by successful people. These are people of all types, from all backgrounds, and so many different countries, who have been amazingly successful in their fields. I especially love the rags-to-riches stories that seem so common among these people.

I read their books and I listen to them speak. I have grown to love and admire their stories. Then, one day, it dawned on me. There’s only on story! Such different people, in such different fields, and their stories are all identical. The stories always go:

I had nothing.
I was desperate.
I had a dream.
I took a big risk.
I tried . . . I failed.
I tried . . . I failed.
I tried . . . I failed.
I tried . . . I failed.
I tried . . . I SUCCEEDED!!!

I am serious. Go see for yourself! Then I thought about it. This is much like our 90 Day Fitness Challenge.
Many of us have tried to get into shape and failed, repeatedly. But if we don’t quit, if we keep working, no matter how far we feel from our goal and no matter hard it seems, if we don’t quit, we will reach our goal!

I know this, because I have already done so in the past. That’s the first bit of good news I have for you. I am right there with you. I know how you feel. I am feeling it RIGHT NOW! The only difference is, I KNOW I will succeed because the past has proven this to be so. Now, the next bit of good news!

At the same time, I was realizing this bit about our challenge, I realized what that meant for you and I, beyond fitness. I don’t know where you are in your success journey, but I began the path described above. Just like the successful people I admire:

I had nothing.
I was desperate.
I had a dream.
I took a big risk.
I tried . . . I failed.
I tried . . . I failed.
I keep trying and, and, well . . . I know what’s next!!!

You see, I have been shown the way by those I admire. I have taken those steps. I am beginning to see the failures yield results. I have my books (I wrote 7 in the past 2 years), being read in numerous countries around the world. (I can’t believe this is happening!)

My point is, success leaves clues. There is a pattern. You WILL succeed in reaching your fitness AND your professional goals. All you have to do is follow the path that others have created.

Have a dream.
Take a big risk.
Try . . . Fail.
Try . . . Fail.
Try . . . Fail.
Try . . . Fail.
Try . . . SUCCEEDED!!!

You have everything it takes.

Included with each post, I will include a link to my book, should you wish to read more detail.

Don't let the title fool you. This is for anyone. Women have simply asked more questions in the past. I wanted to answer those questions as completely as possible.
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Available in Kindle and Paperback formats
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Monday, January 13, 2020

Training – Day #1 in the Gym: FREE Fitness in 2020!!!

I’m a Real Boy Again!!!
Continued: Wade's 90-day' Fitness Challenge.
(Post #7: 1/13/2020)
Click image for Video #1
Monday: 1/13/2020!

Hooray!! I have returned to the gym and I feel reborn. Yes, I am a real boy once again! After completing the first workout of my 90 Day Fitness Challenge (Only 89 to go!) I feel amazing! I cannot believe how much I have missed this.

After completing a split workout, (1/2-hour leg workout ½ hour shoulder training) I walked out of the gym and headed to my car. Then sun was setting and there was that cool and relaxing twilight energy.

My body was shaking a bit. I ate limited calories throughout the day. My blood sugar was low. I drank an orange juice and felt fine. It was such a good feeling to walk out of the gym after a full workday and a good workout. I felt alive.

I am home now. I haven’t even eaten dinner, or showered and changed yet. It’s amazing the energy you get from working hard. It seems counter-intuitive, but it really is energizing. OK. Now, I want to share some things with you to help you get off to a good start with your fitness goals.

Remember, we are creating a new, and formidable, habit. All you should be doing (as I am) is using these first two weeks to create that habit. Your only concern, for the first two weeks, is going to the gym, every weekday, Monday – Friday, and working out for 1 hour each day. That’s it! Nothing else matters.

Don’t worry about how week and out of shape you are. I just had a rude awakening! I think the weights have gotten heavier since I was there last. I complained to the front desk about it. I think iron is too heavy. I suggested making the weights out of wood, or something lighter. Man . . . I got old fast!

Alright, no more B.S. Here’s the scoop. At first you will feel weak and possibly pathetic. Don’t worry about it. It doesn’t matter how far you need to go. You’re going! Just start, and be wise. Create the habit of going to the gym. At the same time, begin increasing your healthy food intake. Remember, we will add good food first, then begin removing the bad foods.

One more thing. The muscles I trained today (Monday) will be sore tomorrow. However, they won’t hurt as bad tomorrow, as they will on Wednesday! That’s a sneaky trick that the body plays on first timers and those who have gotten out of shape.

Don’t worry. It won’t be long before you are trying to get that day-after soreness back. I’m serious. People always worry, once they get past the pain, if the training is still working. Yeas. It is!

I can’t wait for tomorrow!

Included with each post, I will include a link to my book, should you wish to read more detail.

Don't let the title fool you. This is for anyone. Women have simply asked more questions in the past. I wanted to answer those questions as completely as possible.
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Available in Kindle and Paperback formats

More titles from this author

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Nutrition – Secret #1: FREE Fitness in 2020!!!

Size Matters
Continued: Wade's 90-day' Fitness Challenge.
(Post #6: 1/09/2020)
Click image for Video #1
CHALLENGE BEGINS (For me) Monday: 1/13/2020!

Yes, it’s true, if you want a better body, size matters. No, not the size of your body, or your muscles. That is a mater of taste. Some folks want to be muscular. Some want to be thin, or lean or, well, it’s up to you what physique you wish to create. You have the choice. No, what I want to discuss today has to do with your eating habits. Your eating habits (there it is again, “habit”) will determine your physique.

They say that it’s a good idea to walk away from the dinner table a little hungry. I agree. For our purposes here, we are engaging in a 90-day fitness challenge. In my case, I am attempting to lose 25-pounds of excess body-fat. I want to get back to my ideal weight. Better eating habits will help me do just that.

I have much to share on this topic. I always keep things simple. Today, I want to address an important eating skill. Huh? Eating skill? Well, that’s the best way I can describe this technique. What I like to do is “shrink” my stomach. Now, I DO want to make my “belly” smaller. But, what I am talking about here is actually shrinking my stomach.

You see, to lose weight (fat), we need to not only burn off calories but, take in fewer calories as well. Some call that “dieting”. I don’t like that word. It sends the wrong message. It infers that we are just engaging in a temporary activity to reach an end goal, as though we will then be finished. No. That is not the case.

What I will be doing, and so will those of you who decide to join me is, I will be creating a new lifestyle. This will be an easy-to-maintain and, an enjoyable lifestyle. This includes a quality training, and nutritional change. Don’t worry. You will like both. Now, back to the amazing, shrinking stomach.

In order to “shrink” your stomach, the “size” of your meals will have to shrink first. This is an easy and interesting task. Years ago, in college, I ate like, well, a college kid. I ate junk, and a lot of it! I would eat a cheese-steak (I live near Philadelphia. Google it.) with French-fries and a large soda. Then, I would ask my roommates if they wanted to order a pizza. I had stretched my stomach and I had a huge appetite.

After graduation (I weighed 180 lbs), I decided to get into boxing. I decided to box at welterweight (147 lbs), because I am only 5’ 7”. I lost 33 pounds in 2 ½ months. I did this all wrong. I trained like a maniac and I starved myself. I became skinny and weak. I was also very cranky. I no longer do that. However, I did learn something interesting.

I realized that my stomach had shrunk a great deal. Where I used to eat like a beast, in college, only six months earlier, I could now, not eat an entire turkey sandwich between 2 slices of bread. I was in pain after eating only ½ a sandwich.

Here’s what I learned. If you slowly, and consistently, decrease the size of your meals, you will find that your stomach, appetite and waistline will shrink too! You will begin to feel fuller more quickly. 

And remember, leave the dinner table feeling just a little hungry. It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to let your brain know it’s full. That’s why when you eat until you’re full, after the meal, you begin to feel “stuffed”. You have over-eaten.

Use this simple tip, and the many more that I share on this blog, and you will find that fitness success is not so difficult!

Included with each post, I will include a link to my book, should you wish to read more detail.

Don't let the title fool you. This is for anyone. Women have simply asked more questions in the past. I wanted to answer those questions as completely as possible.
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